I ask the Hindu God Ganesha, the elephant-headed son of Shiva: please bless "Vajra Surfers" and make it a web log that will uplift humanity. Please keep out the typos, and please forgive my clumsiness, because I will likely write stuff that I might later regret, and so I ask for your forgiveness then and now. Please guide me to stick to the truth -- at least as I am experiencing it in the moment. And let me be not too hard on myself; please remind me that I am not a human being trying to have a spiritual experience, but a spiritual being trying to have a human experience.
Please help "Vajra Surfers" find its intended readers, and please protect this web log from spammers and infidels. ;^) That is, please help this web log increase compassion and tolerance of others among others.
Ganesha, I don't know much about "blogging" yet, but I am a writer, and so I ask you to make this web log a presence of light, spirituality, creativity and humor in the empty universe. AND FUN!
Ganesha, let me always delight in your presence, remember to chant your mantra "Om Gum Gunapatayei Swaha," accept by doing so that you are removing blocking of energies within and around me and my readers, and let me laugh and be silly and not take myself too seriously.
Ganesha Video
This video will get you HIGH!